The Tang Dynasty usually brewed tea from steamed
Oolong tea disks. They focused on the technique of roasting tea. Lu Yu, the Tea Sage, was a master in roasting tea. It was said that during the time of Daizong Emperor. Reverend Zhiji of Longgai Tempel in Jingling (today's Tianmen city of Hubei) was once invited to the palace. The emperor ordered his best tea roaster to roast the best quality tea for the reverend. After the first sip, the reverend set down his tea bowl and did not take another sip. When asked, the reverend answered. "1 only drink tea that is roasted by my disciple, Lu Yu. Other teas taste bland to me." The emperor wanted to meet Lu Yu. Zhiji said, “He is away searching for the best teas and best waters in the world." So, the emperor sent people to search for Lu Yu. When he finally met him, the emperor ordered him to roast a cup of tea for him. Lu Yu roasted a cup of tea and offered it to the emperor. The tea was clear and light green with a delicate fragrance. He took a sip, and the sweetness of the tea filled his mouth. He nodded his head in approval. He agreed only Lu Yu could roast such good tea.
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